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Amazon to introduce high street shops

Yup, sounds insane but incredible! Online retail giant Amazon is finally moving into the physical retail world by opening shops. Purdue University, located in West Lafayette, Indiana in the USA hosts the first ever Amazon store.

It is basically a staffed pick-up and drop-off location, that can be given the title as a 'shop'. Amazon@Perdue, as it's called, will allow students at the Purdue university to pick up packages as well as return items via the store.

This is the first step of Amazon entering the physical space of shops. Brands such as Samsung, Apple and Adidas have retail stores across the world to deliver more services to their customers. This may provoke competitor eBay to join the physical retail industry as Amazon has taken a smart business move.

According to analysts Amazon won't survive unless it moves into physical retail, having spent around $6.6 billion on transportation costs since 2005. Uber could also be a threat, if it simply added delivery as part of its services which are already all over the roads internationally. Could this lead to Amazon starting a logistics service?

Furthermore, Amazon intends to spread its university shops across America with the University of California, Davis and the University Massachusetts Amherst also involved. Overall, a very wise decision made by Amazon that will provide them a chance to dominate the online retail as well as physical retail industries. So you should be seeing one of these in the near future:

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