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Social life after death?

Social networking giant Facebook, has today announced users now have the option to let their profiles live forever. Yes, insane but true!

Although we will all pass away at some stage in our lives, our Facebook profiles can live for eternity. Facebook has newly introduced a selection of three options for it's 1.39 million users to decide what happens to their profiles once they pass away.

The social media network got the idea from many family members of deceased who wanted to post funeral information or download and preserve photos.

The first option will allow current users to select close friends or family members to act as their Facebook 'estate holders', authorising them to continue the person’s legacy after he or she dies. The contact can post a new cover photo, respond to friend requests and archive a person’s posts and timeline which gives them almost all power of the deceased person's account.

Secondly, users can also elect to have their accounts memorialized, which anyone can request. Once this happens, only confirmed friends can view the memorialized timeline or find the profile using the search feature.

The third option, if users are uncomfortable with the idea of their profile sticking around after they’re deceased, they can have it completely removed by submitting a request. This will completely remove the user’s timeline from the social network when requested by verified immediate family members.

Examples of documentation include a deceased person’s birth or death certificate, or proof from local law enforcement of another person taking over the deceased person’s estate which is required for legal proof.

However, Facebook will not delete profiles on its own, which raises an interesting question and issue.

Please comment below on what you think about Facebook's latest feature. Stay tuned for more upcoming blogs. Remember to keep social with TechDependent and of course, enjoy your TechDependent life!

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