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2016 is set to be the year of VR

One of the most talked about, upcoming technology today is VR: Virtual Reality.

This new, upcoming industry is set to be the next big thing in tech and specifically in video gaming. There are a number of companies including Sony, HTC and Facebook that are investing a lot into this industry.

On March 25th, 2014, Facebook bought the VR company Oculus for $2 billion. This is what got a lot of people talking about VR in general (apart from the fans). Oculus is the leader right now in VR and is set to release a consumer headset in early 2016.

But let’s look at its competitors.

SONY: One of Facebook’s main competitors is Sony. Sony announced that they were developing a VR headset for the PS4 on March 18th, 2014 at the Game Developer’s Conference. The headset was soon dubbed ‘Project Morpheus’. The headset’s main weapon is its following: With over 10 Million PS4’s sold in less than 9 months, this is a clear path into the market. Sony are going to release their VR headset in 2016.

HTC: HTC paired with the Computer Entertainment Company ‘Valve’ to create a VR headset called ‘HTC Re Vive’. It’s powered by ‘SteamVR’. The developer edition is available since spring 2015. HTC and Valve have a number of content partners including, Google, HBO and Lionsgate. This will most likely have a good path to the market because of STEAM, the online PC video game store with over 65 million users.

With direct competitors Sony and Oculus releasing consumer versions of their headsets, 2016 seems to be promising us a lot of Virtual Reality. Stick with TechDependent for the latest news on Virtual Reality, and comment below about your thoughts!

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