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There's a back button for the iPhone 6…with a catch

Most android users who switch between Android and iOS have one common complaint - there isn't a back button. Sure, there are gestures in some apps that allow you to go back, but there isn't a physical or on screen button that you can press to go back. Well, that problem has been solved. The solution is called Halo Back, and it does just that.

Halo Back adds a back button to an iPhone 6 or 6+ via invisible circuitry. The added bonuses to this screen protector is that in some cases, it makes one handed operation easier, especially on the larger iPhone 6+ and is just as strong as other screen protectors on the market today.

How Halo Back works is by adding a "smart layer" to the screen protector that contains some wiring that is specifically made. It links to the back button on the top left corner of the display. When someone taps the back button, there is an electrical charge that moves to the back button gesture area.

The Halo Back is on Kickstarter, and if you want to back this project, it is only $14 (price at time) and will ship sometime in August. But pricing is limited, and could go up. So if you want one, you better act fast.

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