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Windows 10 - Modernizing the old

Although Windows 8 was somewhat of a surprise to many, one thing that we can all agree on is that it was a bit…well…interesting. It ran pretty well on most machines, but it was pretty obvious that it was slightly more touch screen-oriented. With Windows 10, we are getting a slight blast from the past—and the return of the start menu.

Windows 10 is packed with new features, and it is easy to tell that they took a hint about the start menu. Now, instead of having the fullscreen tiles when the start button is clicked, we have the wonderful and incredibly useful start menu. It has a more “Windows 8” look to it now, but the usefulness of it is better than ever. Features such as Action Center come along with the update, as well as well as similar UI, with somewhat flatter designs when going through documents and the desktop interface.

Some new features include the new virtual desktops, which allows you to have more than one desktop and therefore different work spaces. Incredibly handy if you are used to having 30 things open at once. There is also the new Task View button, which is similar to the multitasking “stacked cards” that were used previously in Windows 7, but now with a new look and feel. Pressing the Alt-Tab keys will let you jump right in. Window snapping has improved as well, allowing windows and apps to be tiled in many ways including horizontally and vertically for those master multitaskers out there. Cortana is also making a leap from Windows phone to Windows 10, and a new browser by the name of “Project Spartan” comes with many functional new tricks up its sleeve.

This update has been looked forward to by many, many fans and criticizers alike, and it shows much promise. But can it hold up? Only time can tell. Until then, we can only marvel at the possibilities it could bring.

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