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New Apple TV app controlled by Apple Watch

With Apple's new watchOS 2 beta, third party software developers can access certain data about your Apple Watch, such as the accelerometer. A software development team called Rolocule Games is looking to create a Wii like controller out of the Apple Watch for their upcoming game, Bowling Central.

How the game works is by an iPad or iPhone connected to an Apple TV via AirPlay screen mirroring alongside the Apple Watch app that would let you connect to the game to provide the real life bowling experience. However, this isn't Rolocules first attempt at something like this. Rolocule created a tennis version of this game back in March that used an Android phone plus an Android Wear smartwatch.

Rolocule will release the game free, instead of a $2.99 price tag, to make the game experience more enjoyable for all. There will also be a local multiplayer option available if you would like to play with friends.

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Source: TechCrunch

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