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OnePlus Google Cardboard headsets out of stock

OnePlus is giving away free Google Cardboard VR headsets. Wait, it’s a bit too late now.

OnePlus is going to introduce the OnePlus Two on 27th July 7:00pm PT. Everyone around the world can stream the launch by using the VR headset. That’s something really exciting as we’ve never seen a company this creative before.

So that’s basically why OnePlus were sending out Google Cardboard for free to those people who had ordered one. Yeah, the headset was free, but it’d just cost you $5 for shipping costs, which is pretty decent.

The OnePlus website indicates that the VR headsets are completely out of stock and are due for shipping on July 10th.

Some may call it a smart move; others will call it completely insane. OnePlus is losing some money on every Google Cardboard headset it sends, but they are hopeful that customers will enjoy the VR experience and order the new OnePlus flagship.

“A VR launch lets you stand right next to our team and our fans as we unveil our new flagship. You’ll be able to look around as you check out the phone in a new way and maybe even find a few hidden Easter eggs.” OnePlus also adds; “It’s a new way of thinking about a product launch. We aren’t talking at you; we are talking with you.”

There’s no word yet if OnePlus plans to re-stock its Google Cardboard headsets. We’ll just have to wait and see what OnePlus has in stock with its latest smartphone. Remember, the early bird catches the worm - in this case - a VR headset.

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