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BBC's new Micro Bit microcomputer device

BBC’s Micro Bit; a programmable microcomputer that allows users to learn basic code. At the start of 2015, the BBC stated that it intended to provide the device to one million students in the UK.

The design of the device has been confirmed, just before the planned release in October.

It hosts two buttons, a range of LED lights that can be programmed, as well as a built-in motion sensor. The users of the device can connect it to other devices via USB or Bluetooth, or even the input-output rings which we also find on the Raspberry Pi device.

The finished design of the product just has one big change; powered by two AA batteries. Now this is different than the prototype that was shown in a couple of months ago, that featured a slim watch battery. The design change was due to health and safety issues of using small sized batteries for a young audience of users. The adjustment means that the product is somewhat less portable, and less functional as a wearable device, however, the young users may find it easier to utilise the Micro Bit.

In my view, I think it’s an excellent way to get younger generations into the technology world as it helps them build a relationship to how coding works. Furthermore, the BBC suggests that the Micro Bit could be developed to become a magnetometer (a metal detector), a remote control (for a DVD player), or even a video game controller.

Once the Micro Bit devices have been received by Year 7 students, the BBC and Micro Bit project collaborators are planning to introduce the Micro Bit open to the public to purchase.

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Source: | BBC |

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