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New Apple TV with motion sensing remote - Will it put Apple back in the game?

Apple is set to release a new version of their Apple TV, this fall along the iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus on Sept 9th this fall.

The Apple TV is said to run iOS 9, possibly allowing games and apps to be run, following the path of other devices such as the Roku and Amazon Fire TV and the Nexus Player of course.

According to 9to5Mac, the Apple TV remote is to have motion sensing remote, suggesting the UI will be able to be controlled through motion. Sources say that Siri will be available on the new apple tv and that it will be used through the remote.

A App Store and development kit, will be available too, allowing developers to build apps specifically for the Apple TV, allowing more streaming capabilities as the current Apple TV is restricted to Netflix, Hulu, HBO, though in the UK only Netflix is available.

Rumours suggest that The Apple TV will have

-A8 processor (one used in the IPhone 6)

-App Store

-Different storage option (16gb, 32gb)

-iOS 9

According to the specs this Apple TV seems capable compared to the previous generations.

What’s your take on the new Apple TV, let us know in the comments or hit us up on twitter @techdependent

Source: | 9to5mac |

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