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PayPal's latest service enhances the 'request and receive' process

Just today, e-commerce giant PayPal stated a new peer-to-peer service that intends to simplify the process of users requesting and receiving money. requires PayPal users to send requests through personalised links that can be sent via text messaging, email, or social networks. Users who receive requests can confirm payment by visiting the link. From there, they can select the amount and press send to make the magic happen.

PayPal’s idea is to elude the awkwardness that users face when requesting owed money. Once a profile is made, users can request certain sums of money by adding a number to the end of the personalised links. For example, a link that displays; ‘’ would equal to a request for £50 in the UK. The specific currency depends on the region you're based in.

So is PayPal’s answer to Android Play, Apple Pay etc. We’ll have to wait and see what it has in stock for the future. It’s available right now and in 18 countries including the UK.

Via: | The Verge |

Source: | PayPal |

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