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Cheerson CX-10 Review - World's smallest quadcopter

Drones and quadcopters are becoming more popular these days. Almost every techie has one because they are fun to fly with. However, if you’ve never flown a quadcopter before (like me) then you want one that is very easy to fly, small in size to make it easy to control and fun to use.

The Cheerson CX-10 is the perfect quadcopter for any beginner. It’s the world’s smallest drone being only 1.65” wide and less than an inch tall.


When you first fly it, it takes a bit of time getting the hang of it, but once you’re familiar with the controls it’ll be extremely easy. There are also 4 LED lights on each side. Two of them are blue and the others are red. These tell you which side is the front and back to help with controls. They also look pretty cool if you’re flying them in a dark area.


The controller is small but is very comfortable to hold. You can’t take your eyes off the quadcopter for even a second because the controls are very sensitive and they change direction very quickly.

Battery Life

The CX-10 has a 100mAh battery which lasts around 5-6 minutes. For this small drone I think it’s enough but you can’t remove it so as soon as it runs out you have to plug it in. It takes around 10-15 minutes to fully charge it. It comes with its own charging cable and it’s very small so you have to be very careful when putting it in and out so you don’t damage it.


While I was flying this, I’ve crashed it a few times and damaged a few blades, but luckily they include 4 extra ones. They’re not the easiest to replace and it does take some time. You can also purchase some blade protectors for less than $2.


The quadcopter did do some weird things at times going off by itself without me touching the controls, but you can expect small bugs from a $20 drone. You can get it right now on which is an amazing site for all sorts of things. They also have free international shipping so you won’t have to worry about paying extra.

Overall I really like this drone. This was my first experience with flying one and I think that it has made me understand quadcopters a bit more on how they fly. Depending on where you live, the drone can cost as low as $15.99.

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