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The Evolution Of Your Smartphone CPU

The CPU is sometimes known as the heart of the device- it powers your Smartphone, Laptop and Smart TV. Mobile CPU's have become more and more powerful as generations have passed. So what is the evolution of the mobile CPU?

The first Iphone was announced in 2007 sporting amazing internals and bringing capacitive screens to the Smartphone. Inside packed a 400Mhz single CPU which was more than capable of running the first generation of IOS. The next leap came in the form of the LG Optimus 2x which was the world's first dual core Smartphone utilising the Tegra 2 CPU. Samsung soon followed with the Samsung Galaxy S2 bringing another dual core Smartphone into existence.

Next came the generation of quad core CPU's. The Samsung Galaxy s3 and HTC ONE X were among the first using the Exynos 4412 CPU and Tegra 3 CPU. Qualcomm began to take a bigger role with the Snapdragon CPU gaining more popularity. The Snapdragon 800 series was a big leap in terms of power-setting new benchmarks. Today we have OCTA CORE CPU's. Many of today's flagship have eight cores in them. 64 bit architecture also began to become more popular with the Iphone 6 being the first Smartphone followed by Samsung and Qualcomm.

Mobile CPU's are becoming more and more powerful. My Nexus 5 (running Snapdragon 800 and 2gb RAM) is more powerful then my computer running Windows 7! The evolution in power has been revolutionary. It has taken just 8 years for mobile CPU's to become as powerful as computers.

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