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Apple Patents a new type of headphone connector

Apple has been known for patenting things that don't make it to the mainstream, and even creating non-standard connectors, and they could do it again as they have recently patented a new 3.5mm "D" shaped headphone connector.

Smartphones nowadays are getting thinner and thinner, but one huge limitation is the fact that you can't thin down the 3.5mm headphone connector, no matter how you do it unless you take out the connector as a whole. However, Apple might have found a way to make the headphone connector thinner, by simply cutting a part of the connector off and making it into a "D" shape. Apple further claims in the patent that there is a "smooth, consistent feel when the plug is being inserted and extracted".

There is no way in telling if the new connector will make it to the next iPhone, or later down the line. But one thing is for certain; you'll soon be reaching for Apple's proprietary headphones, or an adapter when you want to jam out to your tunes.

Via: | Pocketnow |

Source: | USPTO |

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