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Samsung patents a top/bottom Galaxy Edge smartphone

The Samsung Galaxy Edge/Edge+ is by far no doubt a cool smartphone with the dual edges on the side that adds some pretty unique features. But what would happen if Samsung decides to flip the edges to the top and bottom of the phone? That could soon become a reality as they have patented a phone with edges at the top and bottom.

There are a few variations of what the final outcome could look like, from a more sharper curve to a more gradual one. But considering how much detail Samsung has put into the design elements of the patent, this could soon become a reality.

The top and bottom edge design could aid when looking at notifications from your pocket or other hidden places, but it also comes at a cost of Samsung tweaking Touchwiz UI to support the edges. Wether or not this is going to become a reality is to be deterimened, but I kinda want it to happen. Let us know what you think in the comments below or on any of our social media pages!

Via: | Pocketnow |

Source: | Galaxy Club |

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