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Help fund Blocks - A modular Smartwatch

​ Google's Project Ara is going to be a modular smartphone, but there isn't a modular smartwatch, until now, as Blocks is a modular smartwatch that was in the development process for a while but is now almost ready to ship to costumers. But the company behind Blocks is asking for your help, as they have launched a Kickstarter campaign to help fund it.

If you pledge $195USD, you'll receive the circular watch face, or "core." That will give you both Android and iOS devices to connect to, and some basic smartwatch features such as activity tracking, phone alerts and voice control. However, if you pledge $250 or more, you will get more "modules" that you can be added onto the core that extends the watches features. Additional features include advanced fitness tracking, GPS features and even mobile payments.

If everything goes as planned, you'll be getting your custom smartwatch sometime around May 2016. That may sound a bit far out, but Blocks is saying that they have "a concrete path to making it a real, shipping product." Blocks even goes further by explaining that they hope to have more first-party accessories with fingerprint readers and cellular access. Hopefully, third-party modules will expand past that to things never imagined on a Smartwatch before. The goal here is to customise your smartwatch how you see fit, instead of manufacturers choosing what you want. And that is a pretty cool idea. Let us know in the comments and on our social media pages if you like the idea, and/or are you going to back it.

Via: | Engadget |

Source: | Kickstarter |

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