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OneDrive decreases unlimited storage for Office 365 users

OneDrive is one of many cloud storages, although with Office 365 you could get unlimited storage with your own portable office which lured many people to OneDrive. But now the OneDrive team has announced that they’re decreasing the unlimited storage of OneDrive storage to 1 TB for Office 365 users. Why?

According to the OneDrive Team, some people were taking advantage of the unlimited storage and were backing up numerous PCs and storing their entire film and recorded TV library. Some users used more than 75 TB or 76800 GB in storage, which the OneDrive team doesn’t agree with saying it should be used for productivity.

The changes they are making as well as this, is that they’re decreasing the free storage from 15 GB to 5 GB, discontinuing the 15 GB camera roll storage bonus and they’re going to stop providing 100 GB and 200 GB storage plans to new users, instead providing 50 GB.

Many users are commenting on the announcement on how it is unfair that OneDrive does this based on some subscribers abusing the system. Some people have mentioned how video production work is affected by this with 1 TB not being enough to handle the work. One person has simply said ‘What a let down.’.

How is this change going to affect numbers of OneDrive users? The obvious answer is people are going to leave for other services, but we’ll have to wait and see.

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