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Users uninstall Pushbullet after Pro version appears

Pushbullet is a popular app which people use for seeing their phone notifications on their computer and for sending links between their phone and their computer. Pushbullet was originally free, but now they've decided to charge users, turning them away from Pushbullet. So why exactly are people abandoning Pushbullet for other apps?

The biggest reason people are abandoning Pushbullet is that features that you must pay for now were originally free or unlimited. You used to be able to send phone messages on your computer, with no worry of limits, but now there is a limit of 100 messages per month. Already, you can see why people are leaving Pushbullet. Universal copy & paste for copying something from one device to another is now behind a paywall, along with notification actions like archiving, deleting or muting a notification.

Another reason people are abandoning Pushbullet is the price of the Pro version. Either $40 per year ($3.33 per month) or $5 a month seems to be absurd for something people only used because they could. The features of Pushbullet only made it more convenient for users to have a phone and a computer, but it wasn't life changing to the point where most people would consider paying $40 a month to have.

All in all, this seems to be a step in the wrong direction, making users move to alternatives like AirDroid or Pushline.

Source: | Pushbullet |

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