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Drift TV protects against blue light from the TV

Blue light from TV, computer or phone screens can negatively affect your sleeping. We have solutions for that on computers (f.lux) and on Android phones (Twilight), but on TVs we've never had a solution except using your computer on the TV, but then you can't watch live TV. The solution? A small box which you connect the source to, then connect to the TV.

Saffron has made the Drift TV, that can reduce blue light emissions from 0% to a 100% with custom schedules and can support 4K resolutions. It only has 1 HDMI in and out, but it is supposed to be used in conjunction with an HDMI switch or an AV receiver, which keeps the box small and compact.

However, many people are asking, 'How about you just turn off the TV?', which I do agree to an extent, but according to research, blue light affects people who've seen it hours beforehand, meaning turning off all tech a few hours before going to sleep

Saffron is hoping to release the Drift TV by Christmas, with the price of $99, but first releasing with a limited run of 150 units. If tech like this can be this cheap, we might see an increase in the availability of blue light protecting products, like screen protectors or cheap glasses, and an increase in better sleep among the population.

Via: | Gizmodo |

Source: | Saffron |

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