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Apple could ditch the 3.5mm headset jack according to new rumor

It seems as though Apple is trying to make everything as thin as possible, and that theory continues with the upcoming iPhone 7, as a new rumour claims that the company will get rid of the 3.5mm headset jack in favour of making the device thinner. Apple is also rumoured to provide users EarPods that would plug into the lightning port, or that would work via Bluetooth.

According to Japanese blog Macotakara, who has a reliable track record claims that is Apple removes the headphone connector, it'll make the upcoming iPhone 7 1mm thinner. However, Apple just recently made the iPhone 6S slightly thicker, to accommodate the 3D touch display. To get around that, Apple would also have to find a way to make the display technology thinner.

Since 3D Touch is not even a year old, it is a little too early on Apple's part to be thinking about getting rid of the technology. Additionally, Apple would have to make pretty much all of the other internals inside the upcoming iPhone 7 smaller, including the camera and battery. This new rumour probably doesn't mean anything, and should be taken lightly. However, Apple has been tinkering with new headphone connector designs in the past, so only time will tell when and what will happen.

Via: | TechnoBuffalo |

Source: | Macotakara |

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