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Former Twitter CEO is starting his own company

Earlier this year, Dick Costolo, stepped down as the CEO of Twitter. The former comedian and CEO said he is planning to launch a new company in Spring 2016.

Costolo said in a recent podcast with Re/code, that he will be returning to the tech industry, and although he didn’t mention what the new company was about, he said they want to introduce a software to an area that needs a change.

He also said that he didn’t want the program to be a business, but something focused on the user. “I don’t want to do something that I feel like I’ve done before. I want to do something in a different space.”

The former CEO announced that he had ideas of leaving Twitter in June because they were struggling against other social media platforms like Facebook and Snapchat. The Twitter co-founder, Jack Dorsey, made him the acting CEO until he confirmed his full position in October.

Costolo also talks about his current role as a consultant for HBO’s Silicon Valley, Dorsey and others as well. You can listen to the full interview here.

Via: | TechnoBuffalo |

Source: | Re/code |

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