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Apple rivals F.lux with new iOS 9.3 feature

Apple has recently released a new version of iOS 9.3, which includes a handful of new features. One of the features included is called "Night Shift" which allows the user to decrease the amount of blue light that is emitted from the screen at night. This follows recent studies that show that the blue light has a negative impact on sleep patterns or the circadian rhythm.

When the Night Shift mode is enabled, the device's screen will automatically shift from the blue colors to the warmer, yellow colors when the sun goes down. The shift to the yellow color reduces the blue light, which helps restore the body's natural circadian sleep rhythm. In the morning, the device will automatically shift back to the normal blue colors.

This isn't a new concept, though, F.lux, a popular free app on the Mac, does the exact same thing, and it has been there for several years now. Additionally, F.lux released their own app on the iOS app store a couple of months ago that did the exact same thing as Night Shift, but it was unfortunately removed due to the fact that it used private APIs as well as asking users to sideload the app using Xcode, which ultimately lead to the app's death on the app store.

At the time, Apple said that the F.lux app violated their Developer Program Agreement. However, F.lux combatted that by asking Apple to provide the necessary API's for an official app, but it looks like Apple is working on their own version, instead.

Night Shift, as well as other features, such as connecting two or more Apple Watches to a single iPhone, as well as small improvements to Apple News, Notes, Health and CarPlay, is available on the new iOS 9.3 beta software. It is important to note that the Night Shift feature is only an option for 64-bit processor enabled devices. This includes the iPhone 5S and up, the iPad Air and up, and the iPad Mini 2 and up.

Via: | Mac Rumors |

Source: | No source given |

Image Source: | iPhonehacks | Techinsider |


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