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Samsung's Gear S2 will soon work with an iPhone

When Samsung announced the Gear S2, they said that it will work with not only Samsung phones, but all Android phones as a whole. Which was shocking for the company, as in the past they've made products like smartwatches work with only their phones. Now, they are looking to shake up the industry even more by announcing that their new Gear S2 smartwatch will work with Apple's iPhone, according to Samsung VP Alanna Cotton.

Cotton didn't mention specific dates or details, but just like with Android Wear, the Gear will lose some functionality on iOS versus being on Android. Samsung also updated the Gear S2 classic in new rose gold and platinum colors and possibly persuading some Apple fans to switch to Samsung's new watch in favor of Apple's. Stay Tuned to TechDependent for more CES 2016 coverage. To see all of our coverage, use the CES 2016 tags and/or category.

Via: | The Verge |

Source: | No source given |


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