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Oculus Touch gets delayed until second half of 2016

You've probably heard of Oculus, the company behind the Oculus Rift. What you probably haven't heard of is the Oculus Touch, which is the company's take on virtual hands. Essentially, the touch is a pair of wireless dongles that the user wears to use their hands in VR. It is equipped with six degrees of freedom tracked controllers, alongside analog sticks and other traditional inputs. However, while it sounds like a nice idea, unfortunately, the project is getting delayed to the second half of 2016.

According to Oculus, they said that their engineers have made significant progress toward a final release, but they need more time to refine the design, ergonomics and improvements to hand pose recognition. In a statement Oculus said "The feedback on Touch has been incredibly positive, and we know this new timeline will produce an even better product, one that will set the bar for VR input." Despite the setback, Oculus founder Palmer Luckey warned consumers that the consumer offering of the Rift VR headset will be very expensive, so a setback in the Touch controller might be a good thing if you're trying to save a few extra dollars.

Via: | TechnoBuffalo |

Source: | Oculus |

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