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Roku combines 4K UHD and HDR in their new TV's

You've probably seen a few Roku-branded TV's while out shopping, and that's so they could try to beat Apple, Amazon and others at their own game. That game would be for the streaming device market. Now they are back and this time, they are hopefully going to beat out TV manufacturers by combining the two newest technologies when it comes to TV's, 4K UHD and HDR.

Roku has been partnered with TCL, which produces the TV's, for quite some time now, All Roku does is supplying their Roku OS TV platform. to TCL to be installed on the TV's. TCL calls themselves "the fastest growing TV brand in America,"

As 4K TV's are becoming more and more popular, they are becoming less special. So to stay ahead, they announced their next move to incorporate HDR into their new TV's, which is the next big revolution in the TV industry. Roku and TCL aim to set the bar when it comes to HDR compatibility, which essentially came out last year. Roku has a 8% of the smart TV market share, so they are again making sure that they will set the standard and will hopefully get more manufacturers on board.

Roku has not said any information regarding price information or availability just yet, but that should be coming soon sometime throughout the next couple of months. Stay tuned to TechDependent for more CES 2016 coverage. To see all of our CES 2016 coverage, use the CES 2016 tags or categories.

Via: | The Verge |

Source: | No source given |

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