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Google's Cardboard has more than 5 Million users, since launch

It is crazy to think that Google's Cardboard, which is as the name suggests, is a cheap VR headset made out of cardboard launched in June of 2014. Google recently released a statement saying how popular the headset has been since launch, and apparently it is quite popular, as they have shipped about 5 Million units in just the past year and a half. Additionally, they have installed 25 Million apps that are compatible with the headset. 10 Million of those is between October and December of 2015.

The reason that Cardboard is so popular is the fact that it costs $20, which is the perfect price for someone who is looking to get into the VR bandwagon without spending hundreds of dollars to do so. Google also released a updated version at last year's I/O, which added support for Apple's iPhone. Even classrooms are starting to use Google's Cardboard, that allows students to take virtual field trips at about 150 locations all around the world, through Google's Expeditions project.

Google is telling us that there is still more to expect from the company, including a more robust headset, as a former Vine chief Jeff Toff left Twitter to work at Google's VR unit, which hinted at a new VR product development in the job offering. However, it will be a while until we see anything new from the company, so for now, we just have to wait and see.

Via: | Engadget |


Source: | Google |


Image Credit: | Geeky-Gadgets |

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