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Unlock this padlock with your fingerprint

Padlocks are great, if you are the person who uses them on a regular basis, whither it would be hitting the gym or locking your bike up. The one (albeit huge) downside to most padlocks, is if you forget to either write the combination down or forget it all together, you're pretty much out of luck. A Canadian company called Pishon Lab wants to change that, as they are making padlocks that use your fingerprint to unlock it, like what most smartphones do. The company is now launching their Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign for the padlock, which is called TappLock, and they claim that it is "the ultimate in security and convenience."

There are two versions of the TappLock, one with a three-year battery life that also doubles up as a phone charger, or the smaller version, called the TappLock Lite, that only has a six-month battery life and does not charge your phone. To set the TappLock up, all you need to do is download the smartphone app on either iOS, Android or Windows, and follow the setup instructions from there. Once setup, Pishon claims that the TappLock can unlock in just 0.8 seconds. One nice feature included is the option to share entries with friends or families for a short amount of time, or the option to unlock the padlock right from your phone. There is also a feature that will sound an alarm if the padlock has been broken into, or when someone tries to cut the shackle.

Pishon is aiming to a $40,000USD profit goal, meaning if they don't hit the goal, they don't hit the goal, they won't make any money. Early bird specials for the TappLock start at $29 for the Lite version and go up to $49 for the larger version. The Companies IndieGogo campaign video is found below.

Via: | The Verge |



Image Credits: | TappLock |

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