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Ransomware found in popular torrent app Transmisson

Ransomware has been on the rise lately, as it has been used in some Hotels and now it has moved it's way to a popular torrent app called Transmission. In case you don't know, Ransomware is a type of malware that will encrypt a user's hard drive that includes all of their files. The hacker would then require money to decrypt the drive. For Transmission's case, the user would have to give up a bitcoin to recover their drive, or approximately $400.

The Ransomware was found in a malicious update to the Transmission BitTorrent client. Version 2.90 of Transmission that was downloaded via the website included the "KeRanger" ransomware. According to developers behind Transmission, the servers that provide the software to customers was breached in a cyber attack, thus allowing the KeRanger malware to be added to the disk image of the software.

During the time period that the KeRanger malware was available, it was downloaded approximately 6,500 times before it was discovered. Thankfully, security on the server has been increased, thus ensuring a similar attack won't happen a second time.

Transmissions developers recently released software updated to block and remove KeRanger from the affected Mac's. In addition, Apple also updated their software protections to keep the malware from affecting other Mac users and to prevent the bad version of Transmission to be installed on other additional machines in the future.

If you have not already, please make sure that you download the 2.92 update, which removes the KeRanger software. If you need more information, please check out Palo Alto Networks for more information.

Via: | Mac Rumors |


Source: | No source given |


Image Credit: | digitaltimes |

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