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Sony could be releasing a PS4.5 according to a report

Kotaku has information from multiple developer sources that Sony could be releasing a new version of the PlayStation 4. This won't just be a PS4 slim, but a whole new generation console. It will offer "increased graphical power and games running at 4K resolution." We could all assume the goal for the new console will be having it run in 4K at 60FPS.

Kotaku were able to verify rumors from multiple sources and editors. Sony is apparently talking with developers about what the new console will have in terms of horsepower.

The alleged PS4.5 will have more processing power and an upgraded GPU. It will also make the newly released PlayStation VR supported by a stronger console.

Kokatu was also correct about how they haven't heard anything about how Sony will persuade existing PS4 owners to upgrade to the newer one. These are just early rumors, but we'll have more in the next few months and we won't be surprised if more rumors rise at E3 this year.

Via: | TechnoBuffalo | - Source: | Kotaku |

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