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Snapchat users spend an average of 30 minutes on the app each day

When it comes to social networks, some of the most important statistics include how many users are on the app and how long these users actually stay on the app. All of this information helps a social network attract advertisers and therefore allows the service to be monetized.

The more traditional social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram have all come up with ways to monetize and attract a number of high profile advertisers, but with less traditional ones, such as Snapchat, monetization is somewhat of a harder task.

Over the past year, Snapchat has tested a number of ways to earn money, from making users pay for extra replays to the short-lived lense store. So far though, these have not satisfied Snapchats need for revenue.

Currently, Snapchat has over 100 million active users, of which 60% create new content every day. As well as this, the social network reaches over 41% of all 18 to 34-year old’s in the US – a very impressive statistic considering the top 15 television networks only reach 6% of the same demographic. As well as all of this, each users spends an average of 25 to 30 minutes a day on the app.

This last statistic, along with the social networks reach, are perhaps the two most important statistics when it comes to advertisers and are the ones Snapchat will most likely use when pitching itself to possible advertisers. The fact that the company is finally turning to advertising may disappoint many users, but, as has been seen over the past month, not all of the paid for advertorials are annoying. In fact, some advertisements actually allow users to have fun with unique lenses or sponsored location and event filters.

What remains to be seen though is if Snapchat can actually compete successfully with the big TV networks and other social media sites such as Twitter.

What do you think of Snapchat’s advertising possibilities? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to follow our social media pages to stay up to date with all the news.

Source: | Android Headlines |


Image Credits: | Cult of Mac |

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