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Tesla's all-new Model 3 unveiled

It’s the last day of March and the much anticipated launch event of the Tesla Model 3 took place in Hawthorne, California. Founder of the company Elon musk believes the Model 3 will take the electric car line to the masses.

According to the company’s website, the car can deliver a whopping 215 miles per charge and it comes with supercharging capabilities; the vehicle also comes with the popular auto-pilot safety feature from the Model S and can accelerate from 0 to 60mph in just six seconds.

The five-seater model 3 has been touted by the company as a “high volume and affordable” vehicle as compared to the low volume high price Tesla roadster. It has both front and rear trunks and as seen at the unveiling video, will come with a larger in-car touch-screen than that of the Model S.

The founder of Tesla also promised a doubling of the number of supercharging stations available. The model 3 which is expected to be released onto the market in 2017 will come with a $35,000 price tag but it is possible to reserve one immediately for $1,000 on the company’s website. There have already been reports of close to 170,000 pre-orders. What do you think about the new model 3? Would you buy it? Be sure to stay connected to TechDependent on any of our social media pages below!

Source: | Tesla |

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