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Uninstall Apple’s Quicktime for Windows: Security Analysts

A few years ago you could ask many Windows users and they would admit to using Apple’s QuickTime player as one of their favourites; it could handle many formats. Lately, lots of popular media players have replaced QuickTime but there are still some Windows folk who have other uses for the program and even though QuickTime is not being supported on Windows 8 and 10 at the moment, some users have found workarounds for using them on the newer operating systems.

Unfortunately, security experts at Trend Micro™ have issued a blog statement suggesting all Windows users uninstall the program; the reason being that Apple has officially stopped releasing security updates for the Windows version of the program even though there are currently two very critical vulnerabilities affecting it. These vulnerabilities can be exploited in various ways but as at now, there is no word on whether they have been exploited yet.

The same does not apply to QuickTime users on Mac OS since it will continue to receive updates. Apple has not yet released a statement on this topic but hopefully, QuickTime users on Windows may get a solution to this vulnerability in time, otherwise, it is advised that users delete the application. What do you think of Apple quitting QuickTime support on Windows? Let us know in the comment section.

Image Credit: | Apple |

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