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Opera browser comes with built-in VPN

The demand for online anonymity and security is on the rise, one way browsers have stayed anonymous for so long is by using VPN software such as Hotspot Shield, Hola, Tunnel bear and such. VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) enable hiding a user’s IP address allowing the use of blocked sites, improving the overall security on public networks and sometimes compressing data. There are a few free options available and many paid VPN solutions when it comes to staying anonymous and increasing privacy this way on the internet​.

Popular browser software maker Opera has announced an Opera browser version with a built-in VPN service. What’s more, the company is making the VPN service free and unlimited for everyone. This cuts out the need for browser extensions and software to handle VPNs. Opera has detailed some good statistics to buttress the need for VPNs on their blog. According to the blog post by the company:

“Bringing this important privacy improvement marks another step in building a browser that matches up to people’s expectations in 2016”

It should be noted that using the Opera browser’s built-in VPN does not affect other desktop programs but only web activity in the browser; meaning users might still need VPN software for other programs running on the computer if they need to remain anonymous. For now, the new version of the browser comes with so many other improvements and is only available via the Opera developer channel but you can go ahead and grab the installation files on the Opera website link below. Leave a comment below.

Source: |Opera|

Image Credit: |Opera|

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