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Apple updates 13-inch Macbook Air with 8GB of RAM standard

Apple recently updated their Macbook with improved specs and a new color option, and they have also updated their 13-inch Macbook Air with 8GB of RAM that is now standard. Before the upgrade, 4GB of RAM was standard with an upgrade fee of $100 to 8GB of RAM. However, the 11-inch Air will continue to have the 4GB of RAM standard in the base configuration.

It is a nice move on Apple's part, as computers at that price range are expected to last more than a couple of years. The upgrade also makes the Air a more competitive with other models in its price range, as 8GB of RAM is now expected the norm these days. There is no clear definition of the Air will stay around, however. It has had the same design for the past 6 years, and the newer Macbook and Macbook Pro models are starting to steal the Air's thunder. However, if you are still looking to buy the Air, you will now get more bang for the buck, which is a nice touch.

Via: | The Verge | - Source: | BusinessWire | - Image Credit: | Apple |

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