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Amazon is pushing Dash buttons to the limit

Online retailer and tech company Amazon has released yet another innovative product and no it’s not a variant of the kindle or a redesign of the Echo; the Amazon dash button is being redesigned with new exciting features. For people unfamiliar with the Amazon Dash button it is a physical, programmable button that when pressed orders a product from the Amazon store via Wi-Fi. The button is paired with one product and managed through the amazon app for android and iOS via Wi-Fi so a consumer can simply restock a product with just a press of a button.

The new Amazon Web Services Internet of Things (AWSIoT) button is programmable to work with basically any Amazon web service and even third party services. This means that a user can program the button to do so many things with just the press of a button; think of it as the physical IFTTT button. The new Dash button is currently available to developers only but once it is released it would sell for about $15 higher than its older $5 counterpart. With how much developers have been able to transform and hack the old Dash buttons for more features, there is no telling how useful this new button could actually be. What do you think of the new button? Leave a comment and remember to connect with us on any of our social pages.

Image Credit: |Amazon|

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