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Google has made a dedicated processor for AI

With Google I/O underway, it’s no surprise the search giant is providing us with new announcements every day. The company has made strides in artificial intelligence (AI) incomparable to any other tech company today. With the Google’s own AlphaGo beating human competitors in Go, Google’s Assistant getting smarter and the push for adoption of AI across platforms, the company has managed to push machine learning beyond people’s expectations. With some people in favour of AI and others against it, there’s a lot of belief now that Google is likely to bring the future of AI to us.

Google plans on taking this a step further now by making dedicated processor units to power their AI bots according to their cloud platform blog. The Tensor Processing Units or TPUs would sound familiar for those into TensorFlow and machine learning. The device is meant to provide processing capabilities tailored to and meant to enhance the machine learning process. It can be said though that this is no new invention, the TPU has already been in use in Google’s AlphaGo, Street View and in their data centres. The custom chip would not be up for sale to the general public for now as it is meant to be used by Google. What do you think of the TPU by Google? Leave a comment.

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