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Google set to release it's own device soon via Project Ara

Google’s project Ara is a probably a solution to the modern day smartphone user’s need; a modular smartphone that allows upgrading parts without the need for a new device. Project Ara would provide a sort of skeleton for smartphones which would allow swappable parts so that a user may for instance upgrade the camera by replacing just the camera module. The initiative has been in the works for close to four years now and with a likely starting price of $100, project Ara could bring innovative, convenient smartphone technology to the masses.

Google has announced the release of a developer edition Project Ara phone in the Fall of 2016 and a consumer friendly version to be released in 2017. The new project is going to be Google’s first official device without partnering with an OEM. There is some speculation that this could be the major competitor for the iPhone. But seeing as a similar program, PhoneBloks was not able to take off, we should keep our fingers crossed and hope Google nails it this time. There is a developer section on the Project Ara site for people interested in developing modules or helping with software. What do you think of Project Ara? Share wih us.

Source: |Ara|

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