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Twitter won’t count your ‘@’s and links against you anymore

Since the introduction of twitter a decade ago, one gripe users have had with the popular social network was its 140 character limit. Users often had to post tweets with a total character limit of 140. There were apps of course which allowed the user to post more than 140 characters but could only be viewed out of Twitter’s official page and app. In spite of all this many users found this feature as a good one for some reasons and Twitter has maintained its buzz for years now.

Twitter product manager Todd Sherman has announced via a blog post, a major change in the way characters are counted. Users would no longer have their mentioned usernames counted as part of the Tweet, thus, leaving a bit more room to fit in more text. Media links would also not be counted as part of the 140 limit quota. One other change the company is bringing is the ability to retweet one’s own tweet. The update is not yet in effect as it would be rolled out in the coming months. What do you think of the new update? Leave a comment below and make sure you connect with any of our social media pages! Here's our official Twitter account: @TechDependent.

Source: |Twitter|

Image Credit: |Twitter|

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