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Leaked Samsung Galaxy Note 7 screenshot features iris scanner

Just today, there has been another leak regarding the potential Samsung Galaxy Note 7 smartphone. This time, there's an indication that it will have an iris scanner.

In this case, an apparent screenshot taken on the smartphone displays the system's settings page where the Note 7's user is given three methods to authenticate themselves. One of the three methods is “use iris.” - and this obviously means that the user can utilise their iris for the smartphone's security.

It's best for us not to get excited because of this leak; let's not forget that it could be all a false claim or even an image edited by someone. Samsung are yet to confirm the Galaxy Note 7 let alone any features, but it will be interesting to see what they manage to produce with the potential final product. Do you think this leak could be true? Let us know in the comments below and make sure you connect with any of our social media pages right now!

Via: | Phandroid |


Source: | SamMobile |


Image Credit: | SamMobile |

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