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Android N name to be revealed soon

This year at Google I/O the company announced it would be releasing the next version of its dessert flavoured OS in fall. The preview which was released in March was codenamed Android N; the new version comes with a lot of improvements and as such it’s likely it will have a version number bump. Google also announced that it would allow users to submit suggestions for the next Android version and what it would be named.

Today the official Android accounts on Google+ and Twitter thanked everyone for suggesting names and also stated that the new name would be announced in a few weeks. Speculations are that Android Nutella would most likely win as the majority of people seem to love it. Yet still there remain a slew of options for naming this OS version. It seems we would find out in a few weeks. What do you hope would be the name of Android N? Leave a comment.

Source: |Google+|

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