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Bluetooth 5 will be announced on June 16 with four times the speed and double the range.

The next version of Bluetooth will be called Bluetooth 5. The Bluetooth Special Interest Group executive director Mark Powell revealed it will officially be announced next week on June 16. It's expected that there will be a significant upgrade over the current version, which will offer four times the speed and double the range. "Bluetooth 5 will also provide significant new functionality for connectionless services like location-relevant information and navigation." Location-relevant information and navigation are referring to things like beacons that help people navigate indoors or outdoors.

The roadmap for the new version of Bluetooth was made last year, but the SIG has tech giants such as Apple, Intel, and Microsoft as backers and will officially be unveiled on June 16th in London. More will be learned about Bluetooth 5 when it's available on devices later this month.


Source: | Bluetooth SIG |

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