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Siri is open for developers

We have all experienced that frustrating moment when you ask Siri to do something inside of a third-party application and she says: "That may be beyond my capacities". Well now, Apple have opened up Siri for developers which will make Siri smarter, funnier, and of course more useful.

So at WWDC Apple announced that they will be giving access to Siri to third-party developers by using an API. This means that apps like, for example, WhatsApp, will be able to let Siri have custom voice commands for WhatsApp. Before this was never possible. Siri is a revolutionary voice assistant and now that Apple has opened her up, she will be even more useful to everyone.

A few examples that Apple showed the world during WWDC was sending a payment to a friend, or booking an Uber for example. This all means that people will be able to interact with third-party apps way easier than before, which is also safer for drivers.

Personally, I see this as a massive improvement to Siri and I hope that third-party app developers make good use of this new API. Do you think the same? Let us know in the comments down below and connect with us on social media!

Source: | The Verge | -

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