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Apple is turning their backs on the GOP Convention

The major tech-giant Apple doesn't always stand with a party, but this election they are definitely standing against a party.

Lots of technology companies such as Google, Microsoft, etc. Donate money and/or hardware to these political events. Back in the 2008 election, Apple didn't only back one party but both. According to The Verge, Apple donated over 140,000 dollars worth of their hardware for the GOP Convention.

This year Apple is not part of the donation group and it's because of the Republican Candidate, Donald Trump. Mr. Trump has said and believes in things that Apple doesn't stand for. Trump and Apple don't exactly have a smooth history, back earlier in the year and late last year Trump didn't agree with Apple standing for their users privacy. He said he would not be using his Apple devices for a while and completely agreed with the FBI about unlocking and iPhone belonging to one of the San Bernardino shooters.

Although Apple usually doesn't openly go up against people, they must really care about Trump's comments. The tech-giant isn't alone as companies like HP also are not donating to the convention this year.

We will keep our viewers updated about this situation, and whether Trump responds to this. Leave us with your opinion in the comments below, and be sure to check back for updates as Election Day comes closer and closer.


Image Credit: | The Telegraph |

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