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Twitter and Vine new video limit of 140 seconds

Thanks to a recent update, Twitter has established an all-new video area of its app - this includes the video length limit being enhanced from 30 seconds to a very long 140 seconds. Considering the fact that Vine is owned by the social media giant, the well-known video loops will also be tweaked from 6 seconds to 140 seconds.

What's more is that this time, Vine will be paying influential and popular Vine video creators in order to attract them and more producers back.

Twitter may not be running advertisements in video streaming at introduction but this could change in the near future. As a result of ads, content producers could receive higher income. At the current time, Twitter and Vine platforms will be dividing the ad revenue on a 70/30 percentage. So that's good news for content producers as they'll be receiving the larger share.

Additionally, Twitter has also presented an analytics app called 'Engage' which will empower content producers to monitor their performance. All-in-all, these new updates will be applied today so you can check out Twitter right now.

Vine, on the other hand, will also be receiving the updates today, but only a few popular content producers will be able to enjoy the new features. Right now there isn't any word about the release of the Engage app, however, it is expected to be available in the near future.

Is this a smart move by Twitter? Be sure to comment what you think below and don't forget to connect with any of our social media pages right now!


Source: | Re/code |


Image Credits: | iPadizate | - | The Drum |

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