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Qualcomm displeased over Meizu patent infringement

Up and coming smartphone manufacturer Meizu seems to have stirred the waters by getting on the bad side of arguably the largest SoC maker, Qualcomm. Qualcomm is the world leader in 3G, 4G, and next-generation wireless technologies with a large portfolio of patents which it generates some sort of revenue from. Qualcomm has made it clear that Meizu infringed upon patents relating to 3G and LTE connectivity which forms a central role in the company’s patent portfolio generation. A direct quote from the press release is found below:

“Although Qualcomm would have preferred to reach a resolution with Meizu without the need for litigation, Meizu, unfortunately, has been unwilling to negotiate in good faith and enter into a license agreement on the rectification plan terms while unfairly expanding its business through the use of Qualcomm's innovations without compensating Qualcomm for the use of Qualcomm's valuable technologies. In contrast, more than 100 other companies have already accepted the rectification plan terms, including the largest Chinese mobile device suppliers.”

There seem to be doubts as to whether American company Qualcomm could actually win a patent case in the Chinese law courts against the fully Chinese Meizu company. Stay tuned to this site for more information and remember to leave an opinion in the comments section.

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