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Newly leaked Xiaomi Mi Notebook image indicates MacBook clone

Chinese electronics giant Xiaomi is already a strong manufacturer of tech such as smartphones, tablets, smart TVs, etc. but they seem to be missing one major element; a laptop. However, thanks to this new leaked image, it looks like the rumours and reports of the potential Mi Notebook device could all be true. The image which landed on the Internet yesterday could just be an indication that Xiaomi are ready to introduce their first laptop.

It appears to be almost identical to the Apple MacBook. With a sleek aluminium design that looks way too similar to the MacBook, the only perceptible difference is the logo.

Now, concentrating on the high-level of similarity of the laptop to the MacBook, the idea of a Photoshop image pops up. This could be a completely made-up image of the device. Although, Xiaomi has a known past for copying Apple, they have made some unique and innovative products recently.

The new laptop will reportedly operate on Windows 10, will be available in two different sizes; including a 12.5-inch model but no details on the second size. We could be seeing the laptop being launched sometime this summer in the coming months. Don't forget that Xiaomi has been teasing and boasting about a big July event - and that could possibly mean Xiaomi confirm the laptop's details.

Do you think this is the final design of the laptop or completely fake? Make sure you drop a comment below and be sure to connect with any of our social media pages so we can continue to provide you all the latest tech news every day!

Via: | TechnoBuffalo |


Source: | TechWeb |


Image Credit: | TechWeb |

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