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Teenager's iPhone explosion "could've been fatal"

19 year old Arthur Smith, was on a tour of Europe via motorbike recently. He was returning home by train when his phone starting ringing. Arthur, who knew you weren't supposed to use your phone in the train, went to turn it off. He then saw that the screen was black and it was "so hot." Smith told reporters, "It let off this horrible smell like burning sulphur and the screen popped out and scratched all the way up my arm."

Smith said, "“It felt like being scalded by a burning piece of metal. It just made this huge popping sound, it was pretty scary. I panicked a bit because it was smoking and the other passengers were getting worried so I wrapped it up in a napkin to try to make it stop.” Evening Standard reported that Arthur's body is unable to clot its own blood do to a condition called haemophilia, which means he was bleeding at a very fast rate.

Luckily he was able to get off the train at the next stop and receive medical help, but he says, “If it had happened the day before when I was on my motorbike at 100 miles an hour it could've been fatal." Arthur loves Apple and will continue to use them - he even bought a new iPhone 5c as a replacement phone, according to Evening Standard.

Smith is nervous for the many children that have an iPhone and hopes this doesn't happen to them. This isn't the first time this has happened an Apple should make sure this is the last. It looks as though the battery exploded from the picture above, but what do you think? Let us know in the comments below.


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