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HummingBad takes over 10 million Android devices

The newest malware to Android devices is HummingBad. HummingBad, according to TechnoBuffalo, has allegedly been traced back to Yingmob, a Chinese company. This malware is already on 10 million devices worldwide.

Most compromised devices are in China, and this company is reportedly making 300,000 dollars a month in false ad revenue. This type of malware works by creating fake ad-clicks, therefore generating revenue. HummingBad is a little stronger than that, TechnoBuffalo reports. When this malware attacks your phone, it does more than fake clicks. It can also access personal data stored on your phone, and even download apps to help the company gain revenue.

Yingmob, the suspected creator, also has ties to the fall 2015 attack of Yispecter on iOS. Yingmob is supposedly an actual legal advertisement business as well as the creator of this malware. Yispecter was quickly diffused by Apple through an update to their software. Google has not fixed this issue but better figure it out quickly with over 10 million already infected.

HummingBad targets larger Android platforms such as "KitKat, and Jelly Bean" According to TechnoBuffalo. It appears that this malware is a seroius problem that Google is going to have to fix. Do you know anyone that is affected? Let us know in the comments below or tweet us @TechDependent using the #HummingBadGotMe.

Source: | TechnoBuffalo |


Image Credit: | NeuroGadget |

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