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Apple's chassis supplier suffers from drop in revenue possibly due to iPhone 7

Apple's supplier for it's smartphone shells, Catcher, has faced a decrease in revenue as it fell 4.6 percent month-to-month, as well as 9.4 percent year-over-year. Although the company's second-quarter revenues had successively risen by 4 percent, it was still 12.9 percent below against Q2 2015. Apple hasn't been called out by name, but it is one of Catcher's biggest clients. Additionally, they are both reported to be working together for the potential introduction of the iPhone 7 and/or iPhone 7 Plus smartphones later in this year. Specifically, Catcher stated that it expected a revenue recovery in the second part of 2016. Not only Catcher, various other suppliers have highlighted that Apple has surprisingly cut back on orders throughout 2016 - and this could possibly be because of the lower-than-expected demand for the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus smartphones. Apple had actually published its first-ever year-over-year decline in sales of iPhone devices during the March quarter. The company's June-quarter results might not be any better, but we'll just have to wait until they are announced on the 26th of July. Contract manufacturing company Foxconn expects sales to be low until the early stages of 2017. This also shines a light on the rumours regarding the iPhone 7 acting as an interim update while Apple produce major hardware upgrades for 2017's iPhones devices.

Do you think the rumours are right or Apple will fully concentrate on its upcoming iPhone 7? Let's get to know what your view is by leaving a comment below, or following any of our social media pages right now!

Via: | AppleInsider |


Source: | DigiTimes |


Image Credit: | WCCFTech |

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