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Jack Dorsey, the Twitter CEO has been hacked

We have been seeing so many hacked celebrities recently including many YouTube stars, but the latest hacked celebrity is quite scary as this person is the CEO of twitter.

That's right, Jack Dorsey, the CEO of twitter was hacked on June 9. At 2:50 EST a tweet went up which is a typical Ourmine tweet. Stating that they are testing Jack's security and that he has to contact them to retrieve his account. He managed to retrieve his account back almost an hour later.

Ourmine is a hacking group that you can pay to scan your security. Jack didn't pay for his account to get hacked, they were probably trying to see if they could get into the account.

With all these celebrities getting hacked, people are getting scared and I too have turned on two-step verification for my personal twitter account, because if the CEO of twitter can get hacked, everyone can get hacked. I think twitter should step up their security, because as a company, it's very embarrassing to get your own CEO hacked on your own platform.

Do you think the same? Should twitter change their security? Let us know in the comments down below, follow us on Instagram and drop us a tweet! (@TechDependent)

Source: | AndroidAuthority | - Image Credits: | Twitter |

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