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Huawei sues T-Mobile over violated wireless patents

Huawei and T-Mobile are butting heads again, as Huawei is filing a lawsuit against the T-Mobile US because they believe that T-Mobile has violated 4G network patents that belong them. It is important to note that The Wall Street Journal first reported the news of the lawsuit.

Huawei is saying in the complaint that T-Mobile has been using their patented network technology without paying for it and that they have offered to license the patents to the US-based network but they could not come to an agreement.

Interestingly, T-Mobile isn't the first company that Huawei has sued within the past three months. Two months ago, they also sued Samsung over the use of 11 standard-essential patents. At the time, The Verge reported that the complaint appeared to be the result of a breakdown in licensing negotiations, with Huawei saying that they were not being paid royalties for the use of their intellectual property.

Additionally, this isn't the first time that the two companies have come together in a disagreement. Two years ago, T-Mobile filed a complaint in the Federal Court claiming that Huawei had stolen trade secrets around a mobile phone testing robot nicknamed "Tappy." At the current time, T-Mobile has declined to comment on the lawsuit.

Via: | The Verge |



Image Credit: | Glassdoor |

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